'Imaginary Muslims & Other Perfect Strangers'

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‘Imaginary Muslims
and Other Perfect Strangers'
- an experimental digital animation
considering images from the American Memory
of Arabs, Indians, Communists, Masons, Slaves,
Gypsies, Jews, Hindus, and select Others
sampled, illuminated, and re-mixed
to original worldedge music.

created from more than 5,000 public domain images,
movies, animations, and cultural ephemera.
you've never seen anything like this...

created by Ken Adams
aka- Big Soma/Rose X Media House

music: OHN/Oliver Rajamani/Stephen Kent /Govinda
73min - released 2006


'Strange Attractor'

Click on image for further information/purchase

'Strange Attractor'
- an experiment in science fiction that anticipated
the conflict in Iraq, bio-terrorism, video blogs, &
an evolutionary view of neuro-enhanced love.

Created by Rose X Media House

features Britt Welin, Terence McKenna, Lady Miss Kier,
Robert Anthony, & A Guy Called Gerald (Simpson)

DVD release 2004


'Alien DreamTime'

Click on image for further information/purchase
'Alien DreamTime'
- an experimental documentary featuring spoken
word by Terence McKenna, imagery by Rose X
Media House, and music by SpaceTime Continuum
and Stephen Kent.

60 min

DVD release 2004